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Famous Latin Quotes and Sayings about War

 Famous Latin Quotes and Sayings about War

Sed fortuna, quae plurimum potest cum in reliquis rebus tum praecipue in bello, parvis momentis magnas rerum commutationes efficit; ut tum accidit (Fortune, which has a great deal of power in other matters but especially in war, can bring about great changes in a situation through very slight forces).
~ Julius Caesar.

Wars, horrid wars. (Bella horrida bella.)
~ Virgil.

Nervos belli, pecuniam (The nerve of war, money).
~ Cicero.

Silent enim leges inter arma (Laws are silent in times of war).
~ Cicero.

Dulce bellum inexpertis (War is sweet for those who haven't experienced it). 
~ Pindaros. 

Love of weapon rages; also the criminal madness of war. (Teli saevit amor, etiam in criminalibus rabies belli).
~ Virgil, Aeneid (VII.461).

Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum (Let him who wishes for peace prepare for war). 
~ Vegetius.

Blood and destruction shall be so in use, and dreadful objects so familiar...(Et sic erit ruina sanguinem in usum, ita familiare et metuendus obiecta...).
~ Mark Antony.

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war (Tarum et clama dimit canibus quatit).
~ Mark Antony.

Vix ulla tam iniqua pax, quin bello vel aequissimo sit potior (Scarcely is there any peace so unjust that it is better than even the fairest war). 
~ Erasmus.

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